Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The beginning...

It all started with a love of reading, a passion for well-written stories, interesting characters & plot lines that leave you begging for more and it resulted in....

The Book Enthusiast your source for what's worth reading!

My addiction to books began a long time ago when I was 5, and my father took me to get my very own library card. By the time I worked my way up to the "Nancy Drew" mysteries, I was truly hooked on reading. My BA in English helped me understand how to read critically and appreciate well-written literature. Over the years my taste has matured and my thirst for well-written (but very readable) books has taken on a life of it's own. To help me quench my thirst, I founded a local book club that has been meeting monthly for over 10 years.

Because so many of my friends and co-workers routinely ask me for book suggestions I decided to write down my thoughts and share them via this blog. My motto about reading is "so many books, so little time!" I will be posting mini reviews of books that are not only good reads, but will definitely make for good book club discussions.


The Book Enthusiast

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